How to Babyproof Your Home

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How to Babyproof Your Home

l. Use safety plugs in unused electrical outlets.

2. Repair damaged electrical cords. Run cords behind heavy furniture.

3. Invest in good, sturdy doorway gates.

4. Install latches on all drawers, cupboards, closets and cabinets.

5. Buffer sharp furniture corners and edges.

6. Store knick-knacks away for awhile or display on high shelves.

7. Use knob covers for the stove, barriers that keep hands off the hot surfaces, oven and refrigerator latches.

8. Dispose of plastic grocery sacks and produce wrap immediately.

9. Keep important phone numbers tacked to the refrigerator.

10. Store all medicines above the floor in a latched cabinet. Ditto household cleaners.

11. Use nonskid tub mats or appliques to prevent slipping.

12. Use tub faucet covers.